Personal, Social, Emotional, Health and Relationship Education
Please click here for the Long Term Plan for PSHE, RSE and RRS.
Iver Heath Infant School and Nursery PSHE, PSED, RRS and RSE Policy
January 2020
The development of the whole child is a priority at Iver Heath Infant school and Nursery. Pupils’ personal, emotional and social development is of equal importance to their academic achievement. PSHE, PSED (in the EYFS) and Relationship and Sex Education are a fundamental part of the school’s overall provision to ensure that pupils are able to embrace the challenges of creating a happy and successful adult life. In order to do this pupils need knowledge that will enable them to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships and to build their self-efficacy. Pupils can also put this knowledge into practice as they develop the capacity to make sound decisions when facing risks, challenges and complex contexts. Everyone faces difficult situations in their lives. These subjects can support young people to develop resilience, to know how and when to ask for help, and to know where to access support.
This policy sets out how we aim to help to give pupils the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives and to become informed, active responsible citizens. This is recognised as the entitlement of every child.
This policy has been written to ensure we are meeting the requirements of the Personal, Social and Emotional Development programme of the EYFS and the non-statutory framework for Personal Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Citizenship at Key Stage 1. This policy also takes into account the Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education guidance issued by the DfEE in 2019.
The policy was created by the Humanities subject team in consultation with staff, parents and governors of the school. It is intended to be used as an outline to the guiding principles by which the staff of this school will teach Relationships and Sex Education (RSE).
RSE is learning about the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up and developing positive relationships. Some aspects are taught in Science, and others are taught as part of personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE). A comprehensive programme of RSE provides accurate and age relevant information about the body including similarities and differences. It also gives children and young people essential skills for building positive, enjoyable, respectful and non-exploitative relationships and staying safe both on and offline.
- To promote equality, respecting and understanding diversity, whilst our implementation provides equity.
- To promote physical activity and healthy lifestyles which contribute to creating positive well-being and happiness in all our children.
(Taken from IHIS&N Curriculum intent.)
The National Curriculum framework (2014) for PSHE/Citizenship states that each school should provide a curriculum which:
“promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society”
“It should prepare pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.”
At Iver Heath Infant School and Nursery, PSHE and RSE reflect the school’s vision and values which demonstrate and teach the skills, knowledge and understanding pupils need to lead confident, healthy lives to become informed, active and responsible citizens. RSE is taught in the context of relationships and promotes self-esteem and emotional health and wellbeing to help children form healthy meaningful relationships, based on respect for themselves and for others. We believe that RSE must include information about physical, moral and emotional development and the school will ensure that pupils are given information appropriate to their age and stage of development.
Iver Heath Infant School and Nursery believes in working in partnership with parents and carers and understands the importance of sharing our RSE programme with families so that they are able to support their children’s physical, moral, mental wellbeing and emotional development at home. Through this policy we work together to promote the following skills:
- To provide the knowledge and information to which all pupils are entitled;
- To clarify/reinforce existing knowledge;
- To raise pupils’ self-esteem and confidence, especially in their relationships with others;
- To understand the importance of safe and stable relationships that promote respect, love and care;
- To help pupils‟ develop skills (language, decision making, choice, assertiveness, resilience) and make the most of their abilities;
- To provide the confidence to be participating members of society and to value themselves and others;
- To help gain access to information and support;
- To develop skills for a healthier safer lifestyle;
- To develop and use communication skills and assertiveness skills to cope with the influences of their peers and the media;
- To develop resilience and positivity when responding to influences that may affect body image;
- To reinforce and develop pupils’ understanding of how to stay safe online;
- To respect and care for their bodies;
- To respond to the needs of pupils and parents/carers by providing accurate knowledge of sexual matters at a level suitable to children’s age and understanding and to dispel myths and rumour;
- To foster an understanding and acceptance that relationships can be formed in diverse and varied ways, for example; people of the same gender.
In the Foundation Stage, PSED is a “Prime” area, and it is key to developing the children’s emotional skills and independence skills. There are three strands to PSED:
- Making Relationships
- Self-Confidence and Self-awareness
- Managing Feelings and Behaviour
In Key Stage One we have split the PSHE curriculum into 6 key areas and within each of these areas we have included the key themes from the RSE guidelines of July 2019.
These six areas are:
- Rights and Responsibilities
- Feelings and Friendship
- Money
- Health
- Safety and risk
- Identity
The areas listed in the RSE guidance and included within our PSHE framework are:
Relationships Education:
- Families and people who care for me
- Caring friendships
- Respectful relationships
- Online relationships
- Being safe
Physical Health and Mental Well-Being
- Mental well-being
- Internet safety and harms
- Physical health and fitness
- Healthy eating
- Health and prevention
- Basic first aid
In March 2020 the school achieved the Rights Respecting Schools Silver Award. As well as using the “United Nations Convention of Rights for the Child”, as a tool to teach PSHE and to inform children about their human rights, PSHE is taught through a combination of: -
- Discreet curriculum time: e.g., Circle time;
- Topic work using documents such as “Seal” and “P4C”
- Other subjects/curriculum areas
- Focussed weeks/activities and events; e.g. assemblies/ RRS week.
The implementation of the PSHE/PSED/RSE/RRS learning supports:
- Pupils to manage their behaviour and begin to show that they can take some practical responsibility for themselves.
- Pupils to develop the basic rules and skills for keeping safe
- Pupils to become active members of the classroom community using structures activities such as circle time to allow pupils to practise essential skills and develop positive attitudes.
- Provides ground rules for discussion and learning activities
Planning also needs to provide activities and opportunities for children to: -
- Take and share responsibility
- To understand and feel positive about themselves
- To reflect on their own experiences and learning
- Develop personal autonomy and control
- Take part in daily personal care routines
- Explore failure and learn from mistakes
- To make real choices and act on them
- Take part and contribute to group activities
- Develop effective relationships with others
Further opportunities for the development of learning in PSHCE/PSED/RSE and RRS within other areas of the curriculum might include:
English: Skills in enquiry and communication; stories that illustrate aspects
of PSHE/RSE development.
Maths: Counting, sharing, handling money
Science: Drugs, healthy lifestyles, safety and the environment.
D/T: Health and safety, healthy eating, design ideas for people with
Computing: E-mail, communicating, internet research-including E safety
History: Reasons for and results of historical events
Geography: Environmental issues in own locality and further afield
Art: Reflecting on and responding to art from different times/cultures
Music: Making the most of their abilities, appreciate cultural diversity
PE: Health and Safety; Team/individual/group activities
RE: Religious and moral beliefs; values and practices
Non-curricular opportunities for promoting PSHE/Citizenship include:
- The input of pupils and the Rights Respecting School Council
- Extra-curricular activities including visits
- The value and attitudes of staff in promoting the school ethos
- Partnership with parents in the school community and in their support of the Code of Conduct/Home-school agreement
- Involvement of outside agencies/visitors, PSHE and Inclusion
PSHE helps all pupils develop as individuals in a wider society. For pupils with SEN it can enable them to:
- Make choices and decisions
- Develop personal autonomy by having a degree of responsibility and control in their lives
- Make a difference or make changes by their individual or collective actions
- Find out that there are different viewpoints which lead to a respect for the opinions of others
When planning PSHE staff ensure that activities are inclusive and accessible to all pupils. Staff should teach knowledge, skills and understanding in ways that match and challenge their pupils’ abilities.
Equal Opportunities
We provide equity of opportunity throughout our curriculum to ensure that all pupils are able to both contribute to and develop from the learning experiences Iver Heath Infant School and nursery offers.
Inclusion and Diversity
In whole class teaching differentiation for all pupils occurs through:
- o discussion;
- o well-focused and challenging questioning;
- o praise of individual contributions;
- o high expectations encouraging pupils to elaborate, suggest, make observations, reflect and speculate;
- o thinking time.
In individual, paired or group work differentiation will take place by resources, variety of tasks, response and support.
More able children are identified by the class teacher and their learning is enhanced through targeted questioning and/or extending written output.
Children with special educational needs (SEN) and English as an additional language (EAL) are supported using a variety of support materials suggested by class teachers, SENCO, The Specialist Teaching Service and other outside agencies. For children with physical disabilities, we endeavour to secure appropriate apparatus in order for them to access the curriculum and we consult with relevant outside agencies.
We ensure that we show children positive images of the gender groups in society. We celebrate the contribution that other ethnic groups and cultures make across the curriculum.
We identify those children for whom the school receives pupil premium funds and we ensure that support is given to these children as appropriate. The school may on occasion also offer financial support to these children, for example in the form of a payment for a trip. For further information on the school’s use of pupil premium funding please see the ‘Pupil Premium Strategy Form’ available on the school website.
Throughout our curriculum we aim to highlight ways in which we can all contribute to keeping the local and global environment safe. This may include learning about ways in which the environment is being, and has been damaged, and discussions on how we can help to reduce our negative impact on nature and the world in which we all live.
Whilst the school believes that our young children work hard during the day and therefore need some relaxation time after school, we are always interested in research and information gathering that our children are often keen to report on to their classmates.
Health and Safety
All staff ensure that Health and Safety regulations are adhered to when using equipment such as interactive whiteboards and CD players etc.
Assessment, recording and reporting.
Foundation Stage
Foundation stage children follow the “EYFS” curriculum and are measured on their progress on Nursery/Reception Learning Ladders. It is one of the main focuses in Foundation Stage as a “Prime Area”. As appropriate, interventions and support is given to develop and support children’s understanding/needs as necessary.
Key Stage One
PSHE learning ladders are being designed by the humanities team to run alongside the curriculum objectives in key Stage 1.
PSHE is reported on in the end of year report, and the school has a rigorous school Behaviour Policy which is on the school website Children with specific behaviour difficulties may also have their achievement/needs in PSHE included in their IEP/Provision map as appropriate.
Work can also be assessed and recorded via assemblies and displays e.g.; photographs displayed on the hall IWB board. Children can be rewarded with certificates, child of the week awards, star of the week awards and cups.
Rights Respecting School Council
Each class in the main school has two RRSC members-these are changed termly. These children report back on the needs of the school as appropriate in line with our monthly Rights Respecting Schools focus.
Monitoring and evaluation
The monitoring of the teaching and learning in PSHE/PSED/RSE and RRS is carried out by the humanities team and the senior leadership team. This can be done via learning walks, book looks, data information and discussion with both children and teachers.
Reporting to Parents
We hold two parents’ consultation evenings during the year, one in the autumn term and the other in the spring term. Written reports are given to parents at the end of the summer term and parents have the opportunity to discuss these with the class teacher if they choose.
We have an open-door policy to discuss strengths and strategies to support learning in all areas of the curriculum.
The Governing Body
The Governors monitor the teaching and learning of geography throughout the school via the governor responsible for the curriculum who reports to the Pupil Progress and Curriculum Committee.
This policy will be reviewed every three years or earlier if appropriate