Special Needs Provision
Iver Heath Infant School and Nursery
Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy
SENDCO – Mrs. A. Bruce – Deputy Head teacher
This policy is in keeping with the schools aims, the teaching and learning policy and the policy for educational inclusion. This policy has been approved by the staff and governors of the school.
The Governing body and staff in the school will ensure that all pupils enjoy a broad, balanced and challenging relevant education which is appropriate to their individual abilities, talents and personal qualities. Diversity is valued as a rich resource, which supports the learning of all.
All children receive quality first teaching.
The school aims to:
- Help pupils develop their personalities, skills and abilities.
- Provide appropriate teaching, which makes learning challenging and enjoyable.
- Provide equality of educational opportunity.
- Identify and provide for pupils who have special educational needs and additional needs
- Work within the guidance provided in the SEN Code of Practice 2015
- Ensure the school’s SEND policy is implemented consistently by all staff.
- Ensure that discrimination or prejudice is eradicated
- Identify barriers to learning and participation and provide appropriately to meet a diversity of needs
- Ensure all pupils have access to an appropriately differentiated curriculum
- Recognise value and celebrate pupil’s achievements, however small.
- Work in partnership with parents /carers in supporting their child’s education and to provide clear information about their child’s progress
- Support all staff’s professional development in SEND and to guide and support governors and parents in SEND issues
- Meet the individual needs of all children irrespective of whether they have physical, sensory, emotional, behavioural specific of general learning needs. In particular to be aware of the standards of achievement of individual pupils in reaching their educational needs.
- Promote continuity of approach through step –by-step attention to individual needs.
- Provide appropriate resources, both human and material, to ensure we are meeting the children’s individual needs
- Involve the child in the process and to ensure their wishes are taken into account as part of the process and of the shared responsibility in meeting their needs.
- Maximise potential of ICT for pupils with SEND
Identifying Special Educational needs
A child has special Educational Needs if he or she has a difficulty which calls for a special educational provision to be made for them.
There are four broad areas of need:
- Communication and interaction – this includes those children who have speech and language difficulties and those children who find social interaction very challenging.
- Cognition and Learning – this includes children who learn at a slower pace than their peers well as those who may have a specific difficulty in one or more areas.
- Social, emotional and mental health difficulties – this can include children who are very withdrawn as well as those exhibiting disruptive behaviour.
- Sensory and /or physical needs – this could include a visual or hearing impairment
A Graduated response to SEN support:
All children receive quality first teaching with differentiation to ensure all children make appropriate progress. On occasions pupils may require further individual support from in school interventions or specialists.
Initially the class teacher would inform the SENDCO/ Head teacher and parents of any concerns about a child. A joint decision is then made on the child’s potential outcomes and future action.
If parents have a concern that their child has special educational needs they should initially talk to the class teacher and /or SENDCO
SEN Support
A child is placed at SEN support when they are not making progress within the normal differentiated lesson planning. When planning lessons teachers set suitable learning challenges responding to pupils diverse learning needs. The understanding is that every teacher is a teacher of special needs.
If a child is identified as requiring further support then parents are informed and a joint decision is made as to the next steps.
High Needs Funding – HNF
The school would contact outside agencies who may already be involved to write a report outlining the needs of the child. The parents would be encouraged to write a report and the class teacher in consultation with the SENDCO/ Head teacher would complete a report and a request to County for HNF which provides further funding to provide resources to support the child’s needs.
Education and Health Care Plan - EHCP
A request for an EHCP could be made if any, or all, of the following apply:
- The child’s learning difficulties and/ or disabilities are significant and complex
- The child has not responded to the measures taken in SEN support
- The child is not making adequate progress
- The child is unable to access the curriculum
Once a child has been issued with an EHCP from county they reviewed annually or six monthly if in Early Years.
Assessing and reviewing the progress:
The school applies the Assess, Plan, Do review cycle as described below.
The class teacher liaising with the support staff assesses the children regularly both informally and formally.
They plan learning activities and targets to ensure progress towards the declared outcomes.
The class teaching and interventions on the provision maps follow these plans.
The teacher reviews the progress towards these outcomes half termly and discusses this with the parents and child if appropriate.
This is all monitored by the SENDCO.
Managing Pupils needs on the SEN register
The school implements quality first teaching in all classes. The teachers differentiate according to the children’s needs talents and abilities as much as is practicably possible.
As with all children, staff are constantly evaluating and observing children’s wellbeing and providing additional support as required. Each class teacher assesses all children against the Leuven scales of Wellbeing and Involvement during the year.
The environment can be adapted to support children’s learning by providing quiet areas either within the classroom or with staff in an adjacent room. Separate workstations within a classroom can be set up if required.
Additional support for learning is provided by extra and highly experienced support staff as is practicably possible.
The school also has access to external support from a Speech and Language Therapist, an Educational Psychologist, the Specialist teaching service, Pupil referral unit and an Occupational Therapist. Other support or advice is sought as necessary.
The school operates a Creative Curriculum which as well as the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and the National Curriculum includes themed weeks (e.g. World week), Forest Schools, visitors and trips.
The school has access to a variety of resources that can be used to support children with a range of needs e.g. balance ball, lycra tunnel and scooter board. Parents are advised to discuss the suitability of After School clubs for their child with the class teacher and /or SENDCO.
Criteria for exiting the SEN Register
Following the cycle of Assess, Plan, Do, Review, staff meet with parents every term to discuss the provision maps and child’s progress towards their outcomes. If it is felt by all parties that they have achieved their outcomes and have made significant progress and will be able to manage through class differentiation then teacher meets with SENDCO to discuss this and if all in agreement then the child would be taken off SEN support.
Supporting pupils and families
It is the intention to listen and act upon the views of the child when considering support and provision.
The knowledge, views and first-hand experience that parents have regarding their children are valued for the contribution it makes to their child’s education. Parents are seen as partners in the educational process. All parents are welcome to contact the SENDCO if they have any concerns about Special Educational provision Parents are strongly encouraged to keep in regular contact with the school regarding their child’s progress. They receive a booklet entitled how you can help your child when they join the school. A termly flow diagram for parents is produced outlining which topic area will be covered in each curriculum subject area.
Admissions policy can be found on school website
Any transition arrangements required will be implemented by the class teacher in consultation with the SENDCO and parents. The head teacher and SENDCO liaise with the local Junior feeder school and other schools as necessary and additional transition visits can be implemented if necessary.
Supporting pupils at school with Medical conditions
The school recognises that pupils at school with medical conditions, including diabetes, asthma, HIV or hepatitis, should be properly supported in order to ensure their health, safety, welfare and inclusion in school life and so that they have full access to education, including school trips and physical education.
All staff have regular training on the use of inhalers and epi-pens and the administration of medicines.
For other medical needs staff will receive training when needed.
Monitoring and Evaluation of SEND
Provision Maps are reviewed by class teacher, parents and SENDCO every term.
Each half term a section of the staff meeting is set aside to discuss the provision of SEN in school. This will ensure that all SEN children are monitored and all staff will know which children are at SEN support and which have an EHCP. Some children may not need a provision map and are not yet at SEN support but are on a ‘watch list’ to ensure their needs are being met.
Comments from the bi – annual parents’ survey are reviewed by staff.
Training and resources
All professional development needs are identified through the schools performance management system and school development plan.
The Head teacher, supported by the Assistant head teacher oversees the professional development of all teaching staff and support assistants. They inform staff about courses that relate to SEND and inclusive educational practice. Staff attending courses are expected to disseminate and share their knowledge with other staff within the school.
The school is committed to the professional development of all staff in areas related to SEND
The SENDCO attends specific SENDCO training and liaison meetings
The SENDCO is responsible for delivering INSET to staff on current development.
The SEND governor attends governor training for SEND.
Roles and responsibilities
SENDCO Mrs. A. Bruce
SEND governor – Mrs. C Mowat
Designated Teacher for Safeguarding – Mrs. S. Perry Deputy – Mrs. A. Bruce
Member of staff responsible for Pupil Premium – Mrs. S. Perry
Member of staff responsible for Looked After Children – Mrs. A. Bruce
Member of staff responsible for meeting medical needs of children – Mrs. J. Williams
SENDCO links with other services including:
Educational Psychology
Pupil Referral Unit
Educational Welfare
Speech and Language
Specialist teaching:- including
Cognition and Learning, ASD, Down Syndrome, Visual Impairment, Hearing Impairment
Occupational Therapy
Local delivery
Family Resilience
Storing and managing information
Classroom copies of provision maps and current specialist advice are kept in SEN files in classrooms.
Other SEND documentation is kept in locked drawers and cupboards in SENDCO’s office.
Reviewing the Policy
The SEND policy is reviewed every year. Policy evaluation focuses on establishing how far the aims and objectives of the policy have been met, how effective the provision has been in relation to the resources allocated and the attainment of pupils.
Please see accessibility policy.
The school is on one level and there is a portable ramp to access the hall and toilet which also has a shower for personal care.
The school has an open door policy and parents are welcome to talk to staff about any concerns they may have. If this is likely to be for more than a couple of minutes it is advisable to make an appointment.
Dealing with complaints
Any official complaints may be made through the school’s complaints procedure which is on the website.