The School Day
There are 3 nursery session options; children attend either 15 hours in the morning per week, 15 hours in the afternoon per week or 30 hours per week. Children have a free drink of milk and a portion of fruit part way through the session.
Morning nursery Chicks 8.30am to 11.30am
Afternoon nursery Ducklings 12.00 noon to 3.00pm
Whole school day nursery Goslings 9.00am to 3.00pm
Reception, Years One and Two:
8.55 am to 3.00pm
Children in the main school may enter their classrooms from 8.45 onwards, and will engage in a learning activity before register at 8.55 a.m.
From October 2021 we are offering a a 'soft start' from 8.40-9.00am to enable a less busy arrival time, to support the comfort and safety of all site users.
Assembly includes an act of worship, which is mainly of a Christian nature. Parents may withdraw their children from Assembly by arrangement with the Head Teacher. On Fridays the act of worship is designed to be suitable for children of any faith, and is contained within an Awards Assembly, which is a celebration of all that is good in the life of the school. Each class teacher presents a shield to a child for achievement in any area of school life, academic or social. Once a term, cups are awarded to children in each class for sustained effort or achievement. In addition opportunities are taken to share children’s achievements outside school.
From September 2021 children in Year 1 and Year 2 attend a year group assembly twice per week with an awards celebration on Friday morning.
All children in the school have a free piece of fruit or vegetable daily to encourage healthy eating.
Morning break is 10.45 to 11 for Year 1 and 10.45 to 11.00 for Year 2.
Lunchtime is from 11.45 to 12.45 for Reception and 12.00 to 1.00pm for Years 1 and 2. All our children are able to order a free school dinner and these are served in the school hall. If parents prefer, for instance due to allergies, children may bring a healthy packed lunch.
There is no afternoon break.