Information about our governors
Chair of Governors - Cathy Walker
Current term of Office: 29th March 2023 - 28th March 2027
My name is Cathy Walker. Like you I live in Iver Heath. I became a governor at Iver Heath Infants many years ago because it was the school attended by my 2 sons. They both loved it there and even though they left, I’m still here!
I have been involved in many aspects of IHIS; helping in Reception with Mrs. Bruce, forest schools, Easter fairs, as well as the boring things like interviews and meetings. I especially like watching your productions and coming to coffee mornings sometimes!
My favourite things are drawing and painting, walking in the woods, reading and playing with my new puppy. I think our school is a fantastic place to learn and start to find out about yourself and the world around you.
Head Teacher - Susan Perry
I joined Head Teacher at Iver Heath infant School and Nursery as Headteacher in September 2021. It is a great privilege to work in this school with such a wonderful staff team, such amazing and talented children and such supportive families.
I have been in education for over thirty years, most of which has been in a leadership role. I was the Deputy Head, Co-Head and Acting Head at my previous school for 16 years before deciding to make the move to Iver Heath in 2021, drawn in by the happy, caring, learning environment and genuine family atmosphere which I believe is a vital part of Early Years and Infant education.
We believe in educating the ‘whole child’ and we look for the talents and interests in all our children. I believe in an ‘open door’ approach to working with families so please feel free to call in if you have any questions or concerns or just stop and chat to me on the school gate in the mornings.
Claire Mowat
I have lived in Iver Heath for over 30 years and my daughters went to the First and Middle schools as they were called then.
I am now retired after teaching for nearly 40 years in secondary schools in Hillingdon. I have a M.A. in Educational Administration and Management.
I have always believed that it is important to support the local community. I was a Parish Councillor for 8 years, Chair of Governors at the Middle School and currently I am Chair of the committee at Iver Heath Village Hall.
Sonia Sisk
I have been a governor at the Infant School for several years and I find it a very interesting and fulfilling role. I have had two children go through the school ( 1 is still here!) and take a great interest in the activities at the school. I have a special interest in being the Sports Governor as I have a passion for keeping fit and all the benefits it brings.
Fiona Bootes
I have been involved in education for the last fifteen years, am a qualified SENDCo and an Assistant Headteacher in a large primary school.
I live locally and my children have benefitted from a sound, quality education here at Iver Heath Infant School.
I am very pleased to be able to make a positive contribution to our community, our school and the families it serves.